CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted.

CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted.

CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETS To consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, to be free of paper, plastic, excessively inked sheets, and any other contaminants. Minimum size of 3” (8 cm) in any direction.

CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETS To consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, to be free of paper, plastic, excessively inked sheets, and any other contaminants. Minimum size of 3” (8 cm) in any direction.

CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted.

CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted.

ALUMINUM COPPER RADIATORS Shall consist of clean aluminum and copper radiators, and/or aluminum fins on copper tubing, free of brass tubing, iron and other foreign contamination.

NEW PURE ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLE Shall consist of new, clean, unalloyed aluminum wire or cable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items.

MIXED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGS Shall consist of clean, uncorroded aluminum borings and turnings of two or more alloys and subject to deductions for fines in excess of 3% through a 20 mesh screen and dirt, free iron, oil, moisture and all other non-metallic items. Material containing iron in excess of 10% and/or free magnesium or stainless steel or containing highly flammable cutting compounds will not constitute good delivery. To avoid dispute, material should be sold on basis of definite maximum zinc, tin and magnesium content.

MIXED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGS Shall consist of clean, uncorroded aluminum borings and turnings of two or more alloys and subject to deductions for fines in excess of 3% through a 20 mesh screen and dirt, free iron, oil, moisture and all other non-metallic items. Material containing iron in excess of 10% and/or free magnesium or stainless steel or containing highly flammable cutting compounds will not constitute good delivery. To avoid dispute, material should be sold on basis of definite maximum zinc, tin and magnesium content.

MIXED ALUMINUM CASTINGS Shall consist of all clean aluminum castings which may contain auto and airplane castings but no ingots, and to be free of iron, brass, dirt and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%.

ALUMINUM AUTO CASTINGS Shall consist of all clean automobile aluminum castings of sufficient size to be readily identified and to be free from iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%.

SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum castings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloy only and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc, iron, dirt, oil, grease and other non-metallic items.

SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum castings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloy only and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc, iron, dirt, oil, grease and other non-metallic items.

NEW PRODUCTION ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of one alloy (typically 6063). Material may contain “butt ends” from the extrusion process but must be free of any foreign contamination. Anodized material is acceptable. Painted material or alloys other than 6063 must be agreed upon by buyer and seller.

SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum castings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloy only and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc, iron, dirt, oil, grease and other non-metallic items.

FLOATED FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from Automobile Shredders) Derived from wet or dry media separation device, the material must be dry and not contain more than 1% maximum free zinc, 1% maximum free magnesium, and 1% maximum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 2% maximum of non-metallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized material, air bag canisters, or any sealed or pressurized items. Any variation to be sold by special arrangement between buyer and seller.

Aluminum Auto or Truck Wheels Shall consist of clean, single-piece, unplated aluminum wheels of a single specified alloy, free of all inserts, steel, wheel weights, valve stems, tires, grease and oil and other non-metallic items. Variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller.

BALED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAP Shall have a minimum density of 14 pounds per cubic foot (225 kg/m3), and a maximum density of 17 pounds per cubic foot (273 kg/m3) for unflattened UBC and 22 pounds per cubic foot (353 kg/m3) for flattened UBC. Size: Minimum 30 cubic feet (.85 m3), with bale range dimensions of 24” to 40” (61 to 132 cm) by 30” to 52” (76 to 132 cm) by 40” to 84”(102 to 213 cm). The only acceptable tying method shall be as follows: four to six 5/8” (1.6 cm) x .020” (5mm) steel bands, or six to ten #13 gauge steel wires (aluminum bands or wires are acceptable in equivalent strength and number). Use of skids and/ or support sheets of any material is not acceptable. Must be magnetically separated material and free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and other plastic, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and other foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Any and all aluminum items, other than used beverage cans, are not acceptable. Variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller.

SWEATED ALUMINUM Shall consist of aluminum scrap which has been sweated or melted into a form or shape such as an ingot, sow or slab for convenience in shipping; to be free from corrosion, dross or any non-aluminum inclusions. Should be sold subject to sample or analysis.

SHREDDED NONFERROUS SCRAP (predominantly aluminum) Shall be made up of a combination of the nonferrous metals: aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, stainless steel, nickel, tin, and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentage of each metal within the nonferrous concentrate shall be subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Material generated by eddy current, air separation, flotation, screening, other segregation technique(s), or a combination thereof. Shall have passed one or more magnets to reduce or eliminate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall be free of radioactive material, dross, or ash. Material to be bought/sold under this guideline shall be identified as “Zorba” with a number to follow indicating the estimated percentage nonferrous metal content of the material (e.g., “Zorba 90” means the material contains approximately 90% nonferrous metal content). May also be screened to permit description by specific size ranges. (Refer also to Zorba under Mixed Metals.)