The More We Recycle - The Less We Mine

We listen and communicate directly and openly. We place great effort in our responsibilities to customers and genuine in our desire to meet expectations.
We are true to ourselves and to our customers and suppliers. We take pride in our work and act with professionalism and integrity.
we are passionate about providing the optimum trading environment and are focused on adding to the success of our customers and suppliers.
We challenge ourselves daily to trade at the highest levels and with the highest quality of support for our customer and suppliers.
WHAT WE DO At Starnovation
Starnovation Pvt. Ltd is a global supplier of scrap and recycled ferrous & non-ferrous metals. We are a trusted partner to a range of companies across the recycling industry from processors, refineries, smelters, to manufacturers. We handle all major categories of scrap and recycled non-ferrous metals, including aluminium, copper, lead,Brass and zinc, We operate as a global organization with Our sales are centralised through our headquarters in the Indore, India. The scale and scope of our operation coupled with deep functional and industry expertise means our customers can rely on us to meet their near and long-term supply needs.